Dr. Daniel V. Guebel

"I am interested in cancer-stem cell research, where I have formulated a boolean model to gain insight in the case of colon cancer pathology."

Postdocs (from 2008-01-01 until 2012-12-31)

Research interest

Analysis of signalling in early colon cancer by Boolean models

"I am interested in cancer-stem cell research, where I have formulated a boolean model to gain insight in the case of colon cancer pathology."

Colon cancer, affects the normal structure- functionality of the Lieberkun crypts in the bowel. Tumorigenic transformation occurs either in colon stem cells, as well as by reversion of epithelial cells toward some stem-like phenotype. Given that stem cells in adult tissues provide maintenance and repairing capabilities, its oncogenic transformation leads in long term to the organ failure, and finally, to the death of the patient.
We focus on the detection of unapparent systemic properties in the signalling networks. These properties emerge when both, normal and tumoral conditions are exhaustively analyzed through the complex mesh made up by a huge amount of operating cross-interactions. Moreover, we focus only on early events of tumorigenis, i.e., at the transition between normal to incipient transformed cell. Mutations currently described as tumour progression markers, actually appear a posteriori of these early events.
Dealing with the complexity at the tissue level is an exciting and demanding work. In fact, simplifications to be introduced (dimensionality reduction) have still to be able to capture the essence of the phenomena. So, in addition to the multifaceted biological questions, the need to develop suitable methodologies for this type of analysis is also a formidable challenge.
First, to establish our working system, we built a manually-curated database, which specifically relates to colon cancer, and comprises more than 2000 molecules and 4000 interactions. Second, information was modelized by a multivalued boolean logic formalism. At present, we have finished the modularization of our model, and we are optimizing our tools of analysis.

Academic background

2008 – 2012

Researcher, System Biology, Department of Computer Sciences
University of Rostock, Rostock/Germany

2001 – 2008

Researcher Biochemistry Technologies Group, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
University of La Laguna, Tenerife/Spain

1995 – 2001

Associated Professor of Bio-Processes, Experimental Design, and Metabolic Engineering
National University of Quilmes, Buenos Aires/Argentina

1988 – 1994

Researcher and Lecturer of Biotechnology and Industrial Microbiology
University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires/Argentina


Ph.D. degree in Biochemistry (Biotechnology)
University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires/Argentina


Master degree in Biochemical and Pharmaceutical Industries
University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires/Argentina

1980 – 1996

Chief of Laboratory, Medical Center UTA, Buenos Aires/Argentina
Biochemist degree
University of Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires/Argentina

Previous publications

Guebel DV, Cánovas M, Torres NV
Model Identification in presence of incomplete information by Generalized Principal Component Analysis: Application to the determination of the common and specific responses of Escherichia coli to multiple types of pulses in a continuous, high-cellular density culture
Biotechnology Bioengineering, 2009, 104:785-95

Guebel DV, Cánovas M, Torres NV
Analysis of the Escherichia coli response to glycerol pulse in a continuous, high cellular density culture by a multivariate approach
Biotechnology Bioengineering, 2008, 102: 910-922

Guebel DV, Torres NV
A computational model for the oxygen dynamic in human colon mucosa: Implications in normal physiology and early tumor development
Journal Theoretical Biology, 2008, 250: 389-409

Guebel DV, Torres NV, Cánovas M
Modeling analysis of the L(-)carnitine production process by Escherichia coli
Process Biochemistry, 2006, 41: 281-288

Guebel DV, Torres NV.
Interactive Astrocytic-Neuronal Sulphur Amino Acid Metabolism in mammalian brain: its assessment by a Mathematical Hybrid Model
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta, 2004, 1674: 12-28.

Guebel DV.
Canonical sensitivities: A useful tool for dealing with large system perturbations in metabolic modeling
In Silico Biology, 2004, 4, 0015.

Guebel DV, Torres NV.
Optimization of the citric acid production by A. niger through a flux balancing model
EJB: Electronic Journal of Biotechnology [on line]. 2001.

Other Antecedents

  • Reviewer of scientific publications: Process Biochemistry (2011), Journal Theoretical Biology(2011); Biotechnology & Bioengineering (2010); Journal Chinese Institute of Chemical Engineers (2008); Biotechnology Progress (2007); Electronic Journal Biotechnology (2005); Research in Microbiology [ex Annals of Institute Pasteur](2004); Biotechnology & Bioengineering (2000).
  • Consultant for biotechnological developments of private companies (Argentina, 2002-2007).
  • Consultant of National Agency for University Evaluation and Accreditation (CONEAU, Education Ministry, Argentina, 2002)
  • Member of Comission to implement Curricular Change in biotechnology studies. (Quilmes National University, Argentina) (1998-2000)
  • Accesit Award for doctoral thesis. Faculty of Biochemistry (University of Buenos Aires, Argentina) (1992)

Selected publications

Analysis of cell adhesion during early stages of colon cancer based on an extended multi-valued logic approach

Guebel DV, Schmitz U, Wolkenhauer O, Vera J (2012)

Molecular Biosystems 8(4):1230-1242

Interactive Astrocytic-Neuronal Sulphur Amino Acid Metabolism in mammalian brain:its assessment by a Mathematical Hybrid Model

Guebel DV, Torres NV (2004)

Biochimica et Biophysica Acta 1674: 12-28

Análisis de los fenómenos de adhesión celular en los estadios tempranos de cáncer de colon mediante un modelo de lógica multi-valuada extendida

Guebel DV, Schmitz U, Wolkenhauer O, Vera J

Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 13-16 September, 2011

Venue: Buenos Aires, Argentina

An extensive Boolean network for analysing the signalling events in early stages of humen colon cancer

Guebel DV, Schmitz U, Wolkenhauer O, Vera J

11th International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB), Edinburgh, UK, October 2010.

Venue: Edinburgh, UK