SBI – Department of Systems Biology and Bioinformatics
Faculty of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering
University of Rostock
Ulmenstrasse 69 | 18057 Rostock
+49 381 498-7571
is now a Research Fellow at the Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences, University of Nottingham.
Research interest
Finding the Future Energy Solution in Bacterial Fermentation
"Bacteria not only ferment sugar to alcohol, but also chemicals that can replace fossil fuels. I work to analyze the process and to optimize it."
Bacteria take up sugars and digest them during fermentation processes to generate energy and to derive resources for growth. The waste products during these conversion processes can be harnessed and used to substitute conventional petrochemical production lines. We need to alter the fermentation processes in order to increase the output of the bacterial "waste products".
The question we focus on is: How is the fermentative process regulated in C. acetobutylicum, how is controlled naturally, and how can we make changes to both aspects?
A fundamental property of life is the conversion of energy. A large fraction of these conversions take place as fermentations in bacteria. Studying these fermentation processes will help us to understand the global flux of carbon. Eventually this understanding will result in technical applications.
We are studying C. acetobutylicum, a bacterium that can choose between two different fermentation processes depending on the environment, e.g. the pH value. In an alkaline medium acidic "waste chemicals" are produced while in an acidic environment solvent "waste chemicals" are generated. These solvent chemicals are products of interest for the chemical industry. There exists a defined switch-network that decides among the two fermentation options. We constructed a model that allows predictions about the performance from the chemical industry point of view.
With a mathematical model at hand we are able to forecast optimal construction of the fermentation with respect to solvent production. This can be done on a computer, saving time and money in laboratory experiments. We found that not a single step but several of them control the overall productivity.
Academic background
2004 - 2013 | Post Doc at Systems Biology & Bioinformatics |
1999 - 2004 | Doctoral thesis in theoretical physics Quantum Theory & Many-Particle Systems Group Absorption and Dynamical Collision Frequency in Non-ideal Plasmas Dr. rer. nat. (Ph.D. in Physics) University of Rostock, Rostock/Germany |
1993 - 1999 | Diploma study in physics, Diplom-Physiker (advanced degree in physics) University of Rostock, Rostock/Germany |
Selected publications
An explicit numerical scheme to efficiently simulate molecular diffusion in environments with dynamically changing barriers
Kossow C, Rybacki S, Millat T, Rateitschak K, Jaster R, Uhrmacher AM, Wolkenhauer O (2015)
Mathematical and Computer Modelling of Dynamical Systems.
Integrative modelling of pH-dependent enzyme activity and transcriptomic regulation of the acetone-butanol-ethanol fermentation of Clostridium acetobutylicum in continuous culture
Millat T, Janssen H, Bahl H, Fischer RJ, Wolkenhauer, O (2013)
Microbial Biotechnology 6 (5): 526 - 39
COSMIC - Systems biology of Clostridium acetobutylicim - A possible answer to dwindling crude oil reserves
Millat T, COSMIC consortium
9th International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB), Gothenborg (Sweden), 23 August - 27 August 2008
A shift in the dominant phenotype governs the pH-induced metabolic switch of Clostridium acetobutylicum in phosphate-limited continuous cultures
Millat T, Janssen H, Thorn GJ, King JR, Bahl H, Fischer RJ, Wolkenhauer O (2013)
Applied Microbiology & Biotechnology 97: 6451-6466,
Simulations of Stressosome Activation Emphasize Allosteric Interactions Between RsbR and RsbT
Liebal UW, Millat T, Marles-Wright J, Lewis RJ, Wolkenhauer O (2013)
BMC Systems Biology 7:3
Proteolysis of beta-galactosidase following SigmaB activation in Bacillus subtilis
Liebal UW, Sappa PK, Millat T, Steil L, Homuth G, Völker U, Wolkenhauer O (2012)
Molecular Biosystems 8(4):1806-14
A Systems Biology Approach to Investigate the Effect of pH-induced Gene Regulation on Solvent Production by Clostridium acetobutylicum in Continuous Culture
Haus S, Jabbari S, Millat T, Janssen H, Fischer RJ, Bahl H, King JR, Wolkenhauer O (2011)
BMC Systems Biology 5: 10
A mathematical analysis of nuclear intensity dynamics for Mig1-GFP under consideration of bleaching effects and background noise in Saccharomyces cerevisiae
Frey S, Sott K, Smedh M, Millat T, Dahl P, Wolkenhauer O, Goksör M (2011)
Molecular BioSystems 7: 215-223
How mathematical modelling elucidates signalling in B. subtilis
Liebal UW, Millat T, de Jong I, Kuipers O, Völker U, Wolkenhauer O (2010)
Molecular Microbiology 77: 1083-1095
Dynamics of receptor and protein transducer homodimerisation
Vera J, Millat T, Kolch W, Wolkenhauer O (2008)
BMC Systems Biology 2: 92
The role of dynamic stimulation pattern in the analysis of bistable intracellular networks
Millat T, Sreenath SN, Soebiyanto RP, Avva J, Cho K H, Wolkenhauer O (2008)
BioSystems 92: 270-281
How quantitative measures unravel design principles in multi-stage phosphorylation cascades
Frey S, Millat T, Hohmann S, Wolkenhauer O (2008)
J Theor Biol 254: 27-36
Approximations and their Consequences in Dynamic Modelling of Signal Transduction Pathways
Millat T, Bullinger E, Rohwer J, Wolkenhauer O (2007)
Mathematical Biosciences 47: 40-57
Bioinformatics analysis of interactions of receptor homodimers with intracellular protein homodimers
Vera J, Kwon T, Schmitz U, Millat T, Wolkenhauer O
Rostocker Informatik-Berichte, 31, 2007

The pH-induced metabolic shift from acidogenesis to solventogenesis in Clostridium acetobutylicum - From experiments to models
Millat T, Janssen H, Bahl H, Fischer R-J, Wolkenhauer O
in: Proceedings of the 5th Internation ESCEC Symposium on "Experimental Standard Conditions of Enzyme Characterization", Kettner, C (ed.); Logos Verlag Berlin 2013.
ISBN 13 (print): 9783832533670

Mathematical modelling of the pH-induced metabolic shift in Clostridium acetobutylicum
Millat T, Haus S, Wolkenhauer O
in: Systems Biology of Clostridium acetobutylicum, Dürre P (ed.), Imperial College Press, 2014, 103-130.
ISBN 13 (print): 9781783264407

Modeling of Cellular Processes: Methods, Data, and Requirements
Millat T, Wolkenhauer O, Fischer, RJ, Bahl, H
in: Data Mining in Proteomics; Hamacher M, Eisenacher M, Stephan C (eds.); Springer 2011.
ISBN 13 (print): 9781607019864

Quantifying properties of cell signaling cascades
Frey S, Wolkenhauer O, Millat T
in: Control Theory and Systems Biology; Iglesias P A, Ingalls B (eds.); MIT press 2009.
ISBN 13 (print): 9780262013345
Modelling and simulation of dynamics in cells
Millat T, Wolkenhauer O
Systems Biology: From Molecules & Modeling to Cells, Gosau, Austria, 12 March - 18 March 2005
Venue: Gosau, Austria
Butyrate re-assimilation in C. acetobutylicum re-evaluated using modelling
Millat T
7th Annual SysMo-Conference, Berlin, Germany, 6 February - 8 February 2013
Venue: Berlin, Germany
Continuous states on a grid enable an efficient simulation of diffusion in environments with excluded volumes
Kossow C, Rybacki S, Millat T, Rateitschak K, Uhrmacher AM, Wolkenhauer O
Biotec Forum ''Bioinformatics and Computational Biology'', Dresden, Germany, 06 December - 07 December 2012
Venue: Dresden, Germany
Mathematical Modelling of the pH-induced Metabolic Shift in C. acetobutylicum Unravels a Heterogeneous Phase Transition
Millat T
Clostridium XII, Nothingham, UK, 9 September - 12 September 2012
Venue: Nothingham, UK
The pH-induced metabolic shift from acidogenesis to solventogenesis in Clostridium acetobutylicum
Millat T
5th International Beilstein Symposium on Experimental Standard Conditions of Enzyme Characterizations, Rüdesheim, Germany, 12 September - 16 September 2011
Venue: Rüdesheim, Germany
Protein diversity of the stressosome - Stress sensitivity and Response magnitude
Liebal U, Millat T, Marles-Wright J, Lewis R, Wolkenhauer O
12th International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB), Heidelberg/Mannheim, Germany, 28 August - 1 September 2011
Venue: Heidelberg/Mannheim, Germany
Automated analysis of flow cytometry data from heterogeneous bacterial populations
Millat T, Rubenis O, Liebal U, Wolkenhauer O, de Jong I, Kuipers O
12th International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB), Heidelberg/Mannheim, Germany, 28 August - 1 September 2011
Venue: Heidelberg/Mannheim, Germany
Protein Diversity of the Stressosome - Stress Sensitivity and Response Magnitude
Liebal UW, Millat T, Marles-Wright J, Lewis R, Wolkenhauer O
12th International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB), Heidelberg/Mannheim, Germany, 28 August - 1 September 2011
Venue: Heidelberg/Mannheim, Germany
The dynamics of the phosphorelay and the initiation of sporulation in Bacillus subtilis - a systematic study
Millat, Liebal U, Wolkenhauer O, de Jong I, Kuipers O
11th International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB), Edinburgh, UK, 10 October - 15 October 2010
Venue: Edinburgh, UK
Systems Biology of Clostridium acetobutylicum and the Optimization of Butanol Production
Jabbari S, Haus S, Millat T, Wolkenhauer O, King JR
11th International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB), Edinburgh, UK, 10 October - 15 October 2010
Venue: Edinburgh, UK
Modelling the pH-dependent metabolic shift in Clostridum acetobutylicum
Thomas Millat, Sylvia Haus, Olaf Wolkenhauer, Ralf-Jörg Fischer, Holger Janssen, Hubert Bahl, Sara Jabari, John King
11th International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB), Edinburgh, UK, 10-15 October 2010
Venue: Edinburgh, UK
How integrals over dynamic signals can unravel characteristic properties of signal transduction pathways
Thomas Millat, Simone Frey, Olaf Wolkenhauer
11th International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB), Edinburgh, UK, 10-15 October 2010
Venue: Edinburgh, UK
Modelling the pH-dependent metabolic shift in Clostridum acetobutylicum
Millat T, Haus S, Wolkenhauer O, Fischer RJ, Janssen H, Bahl H, Jabari S, King J
11th International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB), Edinburgh, UK, 10 October - 15 October 2010
Venue: Edinburgh, UK
A mathematical analysis of nuclear intensity dynamics for Mig1-GFP under consideration of bleaching effects and background noise in S. cerevisiae
Simone Frey, Kristin Sott, Maria Smedh, Thomas Millat, Peter Dahl, Olaf Wolkenhauer, Mattias Goksör
11th International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB), Edinburgh, UK, 10-15 October 2010
Venue: Edinburgh, UK
Using a modelling approach to elucidate unexpected reporter gene signals for sigmaB activity in B. Subtilis
Liebal U, Sappa PK, Millat T, Steil L, Völker U, Wolkenhauer O
Conference on Systems Biology of Microorganisms, Paris, France, 22 March - 24 March 2010
Venue: Paris, France
Systems Biology - How Modelling and Simulation improve our understanding of complex biological systems
Millat T
Systems Biology of Neurodegenerative Diseases, Kuopio, Finland, 16 June - 18 June 2009
Venue: Kuopio, Finland
Dynamic Motifs in Pathway Modelling
Millat T
Rijksuniversiteit Groningen, Groningen Biomolecular Sciences and Biotechnology
Institute (GBB), Department of Genetics, Molecular Genetics, Haren, The Netherlands, 3 April 2009
Venue: Haren, The Netherlands
Mathematical Modelling and Simulation of Cellular Processes
Wolkenhauer O, Millat T
Vorlesungsreihe Biosystem-Material-Interaktion an der Interdisziplinären
Fakultät der Universität Rostock, Rostock, Germany, 27 October 2008
Venue: Rostock, Germany
Analysis of a Model of sigB Activation Following Glucose Starvation
Liebal U, Millat T, Wolkenhauer O, Sappa PK, Steil L, Völker U
10th International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB), Stanford, USA, 30 August -4 September 2009
Venue: Stanford, USA
The Metabolic Shift of Clostridium acetobutylicum - The Role of pH-Dependent Enzyme Activities
Millat T, Haus S, Wolkenhauer O, Fischer RJ, Janssen H, Bahl H
10th International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB), Stanford, USA, 30 August - 4 September 2009
Venue: Stanford, USA
The Effect of pH on the Metabolic Shift in AB Fermentation in Clostridium acetobutylicum
Haus S, Jabbari S, Millat T, Wolkenhauer O, King JR
10th International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB), Stanford, USA, 30 August - 4 September 2009
Venue: Stanford, USA
COSMIC - Systems biology of Clostridium acetobutylicim - A possible answer to dwindling crude oil reserves
Millat T, COSMIC consortium
9th International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB), Gothenborg, Sweden, 23 August - 27 August 2008
Venue: Gothenburg, Sweden
Modeling of ABE Fermentation in Clostridium acetobutylicum
Haus S, Millat T, Wolkenhauer O
9th International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB), Göteborg (Gothenburg), Sweden, 23 August - 28 August 2008
Venue: Gothenburg, Sweden
How Quantitative Measures unravel Design Principles in multi-stage Phosphorylation Cascades
Frey S, Millat T, Hohmann S, Wolkenhauer O
9th International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB), Göteborg (Gothenburg), Sweden, 23 August - 28 August 2008
Venue: Gothenburg, Sweden
The Role of Dynamic Stimulation Pattern in the Analysis of Bistable Intracellular Systems
Millat T, Sreenath SN, Soebiyanto RP, Avva J, Cho KH, Wolkenhauer O
9th International Conference on Systems Biology (ICSB), Göteborg (Gothenburg), Sweden, 23 August - 28 August 2008
Venue: Gothenburg, Sweden
pH-Dependent Modelling of ABE Fermentation in Clostridium acetobutylicum
Haus S, Millat T, Wolkenhauer O
SysMo Evaluation Conference, Bad Honnef, Germany, 1 July - 2 July 2008
Venue: Bad Honnef, Germany
Modelling Aspects of Stress Response mediated by sigB
Liebal UW, Hildisch H, Millat T, Völker U, Wolkenhauer O
SysMo Evaluation Conference, Bad Honnef, Germany, 1 July - 2 July 2008
Venue: Bad Honnef, Germany
Exploring cell signalling homodimer receptor-homodimer protein interactions and their dynamical consequences
Vera J, Millat T, Kwon T, Schmitz U, Wolkenhauer O
German Conference on Bioinformatics, Potsdam, Germany, 26 September - 28 September 2007
Venue: Potsdam, Germany
Von der Notwendigkeit der mathematischen Modellierung in den Biowissenschaften
Wolkenhauer O, Millat T, Assmuss, H
Interdisziplinäre Ringvorlesung - Modellierung und Simulation - Techniken und gesellschaftliche Implikationen, Rostock, Germany, 19 April 2007
Venue: Rostock, Germany
Bistable Systems - a dynamic view
Millat T
Winter School on Systems Biology for Medical Applications, Puerto de la Cruz, Tenerife, Spain, 26 February - 2 March 2007
Venue: Tenerife, Spain
Quantitative measures to characterize properties of signal transduction pathways
Frey S, Millat T, Rateitschak K, Wolkenhauer O
Winter Simulation Conference (WSC '06), December 2006
From Experiments to Models: Assumptions, Approximations and their Consequences
Millat T
SYMBIONIC 2005, Course on Methods, Data Handling and Standards in Neuronal Systems Biology, Trieste, Italy, 31 August - 3 September 2005
Venue: Trieste, Italy
Dynamics Motifs in Pathway Modelling
Millat T
SYMBIONIC 2005, Course on Methods, Data Handling and Standards in Neuronal Systems Biology, Trieste, Italy, 31 August - 3 September 2005
Venue: Trieste, Italy
Assumptions in Dynamic Modelling of Biochemical Networks and their Consequences
Millat T, Wolkenhauer O
FEBS Systems Biology Workshop, Gosau, Austria, March 2005
Venue: Gosau, Austria,
Modelling of Cellular Processes - Methods, Data, and Requirements
Millat T
Biosystem-Material-Interaktion (Vorlesungsreihe der Interdisziplinären
Fakultät der Universität Rostock), Rostock (Germany),
17 January 2011
Von der Notwendigkeit der mathematischen Modellierung in den Biowissenschaften
Assmus H, Millat T, Wolkenhauer O
Modellierung und Simulation, 125-136, Universität Rostock, December 2008
ISBN: 978-3-86009-047-3