Talk about the DFG Research Grant


Within the first Doctoral Candidates` Day, Virginia Knaack has given a talk about the DFG "Research Grant" (Sachbeihilfe) application. The event was organized by the Graduate Academy of the University of Rostock on 18th April 2012. The Research Grant is one funding opportunity within the Individual Grant Programme of the German Research Foundation (DFG). Virginia gave an overview about the requirements for submitting such proposals. After the talk she was available for individual questions on an open space forum.

Virginia is a research coordinator at the Center for Project Management of the University of Rostock and part of the SBI group. With Prof. Olaf Wolkenhauer as a coordinator, she is supporting the DFG grant application for a Collaborative Research Center (SFB). The handout of the talk and further information about the Research Grant application can be found here: Zentrum für Projektkonzeption und Projektmanagement (ZPP).
